Monday, June 29, 2009

Flat Top Summit

IMG00002.jpg, originally uploaded by Lee Bracken.

Saturday evening after work Charlene and I hopped on the 4 wheeler and rode up to Flat Top. We decided to hike to the top of the highest peak, and this is a cell phone photo shot from the very top. The hike was through a lot of short heavy oak and lava rock and we took some comfort believing that rattlesnakes don't normally live at this high altitude. After hiking back to our ATV, we only went a short distance before seeing two rattlesnakes, one of which was pretty big. Good thing we saw them "after" the climb and not before or you would not be seeing this picture.


Paul, ShaRee & Kids said...

Cool pic! I talked to friends who saw 4 rattlers last week when they went up by the resevoir.

Colten and Megan said...

I am glad it was you that saw the snakes and not me. However, Colten would have tried to play with them and kill them. Crazy guy you raised! :)